Thursday, October 22, 2009

Would YOU Like To Be Personally Mentored by Someone Who is Achieving Incredible Results, Has Already Quit The Rat Race and Who Will Help YOU Achieve YOUR Goals?
This is what i offer:
~ Personal Coaching & Mentoring ~ Portable Online Training ~ Work Your Own Hours Around Your Schedule - All From Home~Step-By-Step Instruction - No Experience Required
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those who may be seeking a career change or simply want to make money online can receive the best information and personal mentoring to succeed. Please note: If you are looking for a "get rich quick" scheme this is not for you.
If you are serious about wanting to learn how to run your own highly profitable network marketing business online and are willing to invest your time, effort and finances in your own online business, then you have come to the right place.

Get paid N10,000 an hour legally 'stealing' other people's work"

Get paid N10,000 an hour legally 'stealing' other people's work"
You can start doing this TODAY - I’ll give you EVERYTHING you need, even the ‘stolen’ materials.
"Keep this to yourself though because me revealing this secret is going to rub a lot of people up the wrong way...
"But while I watch my back you could be earning N10,000 - 100,000 an hour ‘stealing’ tested and proven blueprints that make normal people thousands every single year..."Dear Reader, Straight off the bat let’s be clear... There is nothing illegal, nothing immoral and nothing unethical in using this ‘top-down’ technique to change your life around and start making the kind of money that your neighbours and parents only ever dreamed about. You could easily start making N10,000 to N100,000 next week. Next month you’re looking at N10,000 After that it’s going be UP TO YOU how much you ask people to sign the hourly paycheques for. There’s no ceiling on this - no limit to potential - it only goes up. So why is it OK to ‘steal’? Because the people you’ll be ‘stealing’ from would actually encourage you to do exactly that. I’m going to let you in on this now and you can start today... I mean TODAY. As soon as you’ve finished reading this you can make a start and begin making the easiest money you’ll ever see...
The moment this N100,000 an hour secret was leaked in BY A FRIEND WHO CAME FROM UKPsst... listen in dear Reader because this secret is worth thousands to you, even millions. And I’m deadly serious here. A year ago I was told this secret by the guy who used it to build his fortune.He straightened his tie, picked up his wine glass to toast the table and just blurted it out right then and there... It took me a while to get it, to fully understand what he meant. It was too simple and I didn’t get he meant it quite so literally. "The best writers steal." Since I was told that last year, I have ‘stolen’ writing that has made massive money... At the end of last year - for little more than an hour’s work - I ‘stole’ a piece of writing that made a massive N100,000 in just one weekend. And then this year, on a quiet Friday afternoon I ‘stole’ a piece that made an easy N20,000 the very next day. And another piece I ‘stole’ has quietly been earning over N100,000 and I haven’t even given it a second thought. I’ll show you now how to do the exactly the same and get paid for it in the thousands...
Become a 'writer' without ever writing an original wordToday I’m going to show you how you can ‘steal’ the work of the best ‘writers’ in the information publishing business, master their techniques and earn a living just like them earning millions of pounds without even ‘writing’ an original word yourself. Even though it contains information worth millions... will teach you how to demand paycheques for an hours work that you’d normally work a week or a month for... and will probably get me blacklisted by the bigwigs... I’m going to give you this shockingly valuable ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ FREE and I’m going to give it to you if you are willing to take it. And I’ll tell you exactly why in a moment. But first I need to be sure you know what you’re getting into here. I need to know you meet a few criteria. It is no good if you’ve got the book but haven’t got what it takes. So there are two questions you need to answer... If you’re able to answer them both in the positive, you’ll be able to take the ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ and make a ton of money. If not, you may as well stop reading this now. Here they are. The last one is the hardest: 1. Are you able to use Microsoft Word? 2. Are you able to use email? Any less than 2 out of 2 and I’m sorry, but this is not for you. You’d only be wasting a valuable copy that someone else could use to change their life. But if you answered 'YES' to both you’re absolutely sorted and have everything you need to be able to pull this off and start earning an extra N10000 - 100,000 every time you use it. With the ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ in your hand, life from here on in is going to be a whole lot easier...
To begin with you'll almost feel bad that you're doing HALF THE WORK... ...but you're earning 10 TIMES MORE!You’ll soon get over it though, don’t sweat. Just think for a moment about the last time you woke up for work late. I used to do it all the time. You’re on edge. Your day is already ruined. You skip breakfast. You skip the shower. You skip the kiss goodbye... You get to work and your boss is already on your back. You spend the day fighting an uphill struggle. What’s worse is the paycheque isn’t even worth it and when you get home you’re in too bad a mood to spend it on anything but beer to numb the next day. When you become the ‘cash writer’ you’re going to become, you won’t wake up late ever again... Because there is no ‘late’. You are your own boss. You dictate the hours. If you want to wake up at 10, have a late breakfast, spend sometime in the garden until midday before taking a casual stroll to pick up a nice sandwich for lunch... You can. If you want to wake early, get the ‘work’ out the way and spend the rest of the day listening to Radio 4 on your terrace before picking the kids up from school and feeling fresh and awake enough to actually HELP them with their homework... You can. However you want to play it - it’s up to you. And when you need some extra money to give yourself a holiday away or to buy the latest model of car you saw Jeremy Clarkson recommending on Top Gear you just pick up the ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’, ‘steal’ one of the blueprints I’ll show you and send it in with a request for the money you need. I haven’t woken up ‘late’ in a year... Ever since I was told that simple secret and unlocked the true power of these tried, tested and proven blueprints, I haven’t missed a moment I didn’t mean to.
This is as easy as 'copy and pasting' in a Word document... in fact that's pretty much all you need to doInside this ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ you’ll discover a wealth of tips and tricks that will help you unlock the key to ‘tweaking’ the stolen materials. You’ll discover:
The one letter of the alphabet that will double how much money you can earn an hour - you’ll learn how to harness its power.
The secret structure that has been used for over 50 years to make millions of naira - all you need to do is slot the ‘stolen’ material and you’re done.
The little-known ‘two-line’ rule that will allow you to get more work done more quickly and earn more money in less time.
The one simple exercise you can do at anytime day or night that will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a copywriting master.And though all this information is so incredibly valuable, it’s not even the best bit... Inside the ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ I’ve collated some of the best examples of copywriting you’ll find. These have been tried, tested and proven to make millions. All you need to do is copy and paste them, tweak them using the skills I mentioned above and you’ll have a piece of copy that you can start charging serious money for. The money that has gone into proving these templates is unbelievable. Years of testing and tweaking have made them perfect but you’re going to skip all that and get your hands on them for free. Which leads me to an important point... Why would I give you this life-changing ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ for absolutely nothing? Hey, it’s a good question and I like your thinking. Truth is: it’s my business to help people make money...
Regular guys making shocking moneyMy name’s Oghentega Oghuvwu. I’ve got a whole team of people just like me. All out there in the field... in businesses, in bookies, inside the City, heck, all over the world. All looking for those secret tricks and little-known systems that can grab you big, perpetual profits. Believe me, they’re out there. I’ve seen so many regular guys just like you and me making shocking money. And a ton of my friends make their money as ‘cash writers’. That’s why I wanted to talk to you today. I genuinely believe you can make more money than you do now. And I know I can help you. Starting today. The ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ I want to give you now is just the beginning. But it’s a perfect place to start...
There really is so much more...You see, you’re a very special kind of person. You’re someone who is willing to take the necessary steps to transform their life. You’re someone who’s canny enough to know that financial freedom isn’t going to waltz through the front door. You’re taking action to make it happen. In reading this far, you’ve only confirmed that and I’m so glad I can now take this opportunity to invite you to join this very exclusive club. You’re exactly the kind of person I want, and Shortcut is exactly the kind of publication you want to be a part of... Get paid to eat at your favourite restaurant whilst your ‘stealing’ your next N100,000 letter That’s right... You could be sat eating your favourite meal for free whilst you use your ‘Cash Writing Cheatbook’ to put together your next N100,000 piece of ‘writing’. In fact, as well as getting their posh grub for free, readers discovered how to get paid to shop in their favourite stores too. And get N20,000 for simply turning up at their local bank.